Me elvittük a járgányt futóműveshez. Kitoltuk, vontattuk, megtörtént a beállítás, majd visszavonszoltuk, de nem tudtuk feltolni a rámpán.... kénytelen voltam benzint tenni bele, és befejezni a benzincsöveket a ház előtt a sárban :)
DE MEGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAGÁTÓL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sajna a viejo nem volt nallam.

It was a great day. After 5 days of continous work on the car ( I will show some details later.) I have managed to leave the workroom to visit the closeby shop for running gear alignment. Some friends helped to tow the car there, but there was only one to help tow back... It turned to be a bad setup, as we had gravity on our side on the way out, but it was against us on the way back! Also there were no spare friends to make pictures of the two of us fighting in the mud in front of the ramp ( thats why there is no pics of it)... The only solution was to ask for the internal help of 430 horses. While Laszlo bringed some additional gasoline, I have managed to quickfix the last 20 cm of the fuel line ( you know quickfix is the solution you do in 10 seconds, and use for 20 years)... So after mudding myself from tail to belt, I switched the 1st gear on my mudthrower, and finished the rest in a second. Luckily I have also absolved the ramp without any accident. IT WAS THE FIRST TIME I DROVE MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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