2011. május 6., péntek

Stoneleigh Kit Car show part 1

Az április elsejei tréfám végén megemlítettem, hogy elmegyek a Stoneleigh Kit Car show-ra Angliába. Hát elmentem!

hamarosan csinálok egy részletes beszámolót a tapasztalatokról a kit car egyesület weboldalára.
Mivel az angol verzió ott kimarad, ez a bejegyzés rendhagyó módon csak angolul lesz most.

Some time ago, I mentioned that I am about to visit the Stoneleigh Kit Car show, that is supposed to be the " the world’s biggest Kit Car Show!".. and It was really huge. They expected 4000 Kit cars! I have no exact numbers, but surelly there were more kit cars than fingers on my hand, so I can be sure there were more than I have ever seen (anyone with some affinity of maths can do some calculations on my previous record)!

There was 2 big exhibition buildings + a hangar for the parts/tools reselers and another one for the cars for sale /On monday I found no more than 6 cars there/, but basically Stoneleigh was organized on a klub based way. Each club had their area on the lasge open field. I was missing the "attractions".. ok, there was the Westfield slalom and the 4x4 ride, but for " the world’s biggest Kit Car Show!" it is a bit under the expectations. I had no problem, I could have spent a week there, as went there to watch the details of the Kit cars (get ideas) and to buy some parts /tools, but for someone with no car building background... I can't advise a visit there.

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